World day Against Child Labour

 About the "Day Against Child Labour"
     The International Labour Organization ILO declared to celebrate June 12 as the "World day Against Child Labour" in 2002.  The main theme of this day is to focus the extent of child labour globally and actions needed to eliminate it. As per latest survey over 152 millions of children still work. Many of them full time workers, and they do not go to school, and they do not have time to play, many of them working in hazardous environments, slavery and illicit activities. Many of them not even getting nutrition food and they are denied chance to be children.

What is Child Labour
    Child labour refers to exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and is harmful to their development.  
Who treated as child Labour?
    As per the Child and Adolescent Labour Act, 1986, amended in 2016 "CLPR Act", a child is defined as any person below the age of 14 years, and this Act prohibits working of a child in any employment including as domestic help. the children working below age 14 treated as child labour. It is a criminal offence to employ a child for any work.  The children between 14 to 18 years defined as "Adolescent" the law allows the adolescent to be employed except hazardous conditions. 

Causes of  Child Labour
  •  Absence of compulsory education at the primary level is the main reason. 
  • Non availability and non accessibility of schools.  
  • Negligence of parents about the child also one more main reason. 
  •  Over population and and poverty is pushing the children into employment. 
  • Illiteracy major fact for the child labour in developing countries.  

 Effects of Child Labour
    Child Labour involves exploitation of children, but it is wide meaning to understand how  
it is effecting not only children, even it is effecting total society. Child Labour deprives a child of a proper childhood.  Becomes mentally and emotionally mature too fast which hazardous sign to society.  Creates poverty which directly effects next generation of a country.

Child Labour in India
    As per Census 2011, the total child population in India the age group 5-14 years is 259 millions. Among them 10 millions of children employed in different kinds of industries as a main work or  marginal worker.  This is the 3.9% of total child population. In addition nearly 43 million children in India are out of school.  As per surveys child labour decreased in India by 2.6 millions between 2001-11.  Falling of child labour mainly appearing in rural areas wheres in urban areas it is increasing.

Child Labour is a global phenomenon occurring predominantly in countries with lower socioeconomic status.  Children are society's most precious resource and they should have right to development and growth. Child should be protected in safe and nurturing environment. 

Themes of  World day Against Child Labour
2021- International year for the elimination of Child Labour
2020- Covid 19, Protect Children from Child Labour, now more than ever.
2019- Children should not work in fields, but on dreams.
2018- "Generation Safe & Healthy".  Raise awareness against Child Labour.

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