Education and Development


        Education is the most precious element in building a nation.  Education plays a key role in the development of human resources in terms of personal development as well as the society, which leads to the development and in building a strong nation.  Education is the process of teaching and learning, designed to impart knowledge and develop one’s skills.  It aims at the all round development of a child. 

Why do we need education?

        Education moulds a man in all aspects.  Education dispels the ignorance and enlightens the man.  Education is the only wealth which cannot be robbed.  Without education a man won't be complete.  Education broadens the vision and enables the man to have the right perception of life, it provides material wealth and thereby helps the man in leading a comfortable life.  When all the things put together, education only has great value.  An educated person is honoured everywhere in the world. 

        Education is imparted to all people irrespective of caste and community.  It is not the privilege of any section of the society.  In the past girls were not given proper education.  But now they are more advanced in education.  An educated girl becomes ideal in society and as well as to her family and she would be an ideal wife and ideal mother in future, bringing up her children in a responsible manner.  An educated man develops his reasoning.  Educated man can understand everything properly.  He learns what is right and what is wrong, raises his voice against all evils and superstitions and tries to reform the society around him.  The education is only fruitful when  the man is incorporated with the society and its obstacles. 
        Most people think of education as the means of achieving material prosperity and for the sake of achieving a good job for the life of a person.  In today’s education system the gap between the educator and learner is increasing.  Students only receive book knowledge and ignore moral values associated with education.  The lesson is that the right type of education has to be imparted to boys and girls in the right spirit then only the goals of education are realized. 

         Educated people can understand the needs of the nation.  They can take part in the development of the country. They can use their talents for nation building. Education teaches us our rights and duties towards society and the nation.  The future of the country depends on the nature of education.

Education for Employment 

        If a man is well educated then the opportunities will be wider.  Individuals with good knowledge and skills honoured everywhere in the world.  Productivity will be increased with well educated human resources, which leads to establishment of more industries in one country, with this opportunities will increase and more people will get employment, increases social and economic status of the person, this ultimately reflects in the economic growth of the country and the development.

Education in India

        There is a huge requirement for professional and technical education in modern society.  To reach the needs of the nation and world, Indian Government is concentrating on the education system and brought a new “National Education Policy-2020” in July 2020.  This policy mainly targets the pre primary education to secondary education on the basis of all round development of a child.  Scientific, technical and moral values are important in this policy.  Indian Institute of Technologies providing world class human resources in science and technology for the nation and to the world.  Many students came out from many Universities and Colleges across the countries are leading the important sectors in the country they also leading the world prominent industries and companies.  Still India faces challenges in providing quality education for some sectors and to the poor.  We hope the new education policies will help to overcome these challenges and serve quality education to all. 

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