Simple Projects ideas for School students - Wastage of Water due to negligence

 Name of the Project:    

        Collecting information about "Wastage of Water due to Negligence"


1.  To bring awareness about how water is being wasted in our daily life activities.

2.  To be sensitized about judicious use of water.


        Family visit from a community, Interview of few people, Internet, Visit to community water supply areas in Village, Municipality and Corporation etc.


        "If you have water, you can think of the future".  The amount of water recommended by the United Nations for drinking, washing, cooking and maintaining proper hygiene is a minimum of 50 liters for a person per day.  Approximately two to three buckets of water per person in a day.  Millions of people in the world do not get enough water to meet their requirements.  The problem is likely to get worse, it is therefore important that we use it judiciously and conserve the water.  We are neglecting water leakages, collecting and throwing out unnecessary things for brushing and washing clothes and on many occasions.  The situations where the water is wasted only because of our negligence.  If we are able to realize this we can save water.  

Situations where the Water is wasted:

  • Major part of the household water consumption is for sanitation.  Most of the water is used for bathing and for toilets.  Buckets of water is wasted during baths, and showers continue for a long time while bathing. Most people use plenty of water used for sanitation unnecessarily. 
  • Taps will continue until the brushing is complete.
  • Leakage of water pipes and taps is one more major issue of water wastage.  Millions of gallons of water is wasted in a year only with leakage pipes and taps.  People neglect these leakages, many feel this is a common issue, but they don't take any action to get it repaired.
  • The common thing of wasting water while washing clothes.  Buckets of water is used for washing the clothes.  Instead of using 2 to 3 buckets, people use 8 to 10 buckets for washing clothes.
  • Taps will continue while cleaning dishes and vessels.  Without soaking the dishes by opening the tap cleans the vessels which consumes a lot of water.
  • Excess of water is supplied to plants and household gardens with pipes.  Sometimes people forget to put off the taps.
  • Old and low quality overhead tanks cause leakage of water.
  • Indiscriminate use of water in constructions. Over watering causes most of the water wastage in this field.
  • Poor maintenance in water supply by the municipalities and corporations. 
  • Leakage pipelines of community water supply and negligence of employees to repair the leakage.  Sometimes the water will flow on the road for many days. 
  • Poor construction of community water tanks causes a lot of water leakage from them. 
  • In functions, Celebrations and at the time of festival water is being wasted in many ways.  People not even off the water taps, they will run throughout the day. 
  • For washing vehicles like cars, bikes and others plenty of water is used, during this process we can see so much wastage of water.

Above quoted conditions are only a few situations where water is being wasted due to negligence of people.  In many sectors like industries, public places and offices also we can observe the wastage of water.  


        We need water for drinking ,cooking and bathing etc.  Wasting of water is simply welcoming troubles in future and for future generations.  Everyone should avoid wastage of water with some tips like instead of using water directly from the tap, it is better to fill the buckets and other containers and use it with a small tumbler.  Water is life line for every living being, So it is the responsibility of every human being on this earth.

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